Sunday, January 10, 2010

6 Week Update

Well considering I was not consistent with my workouts I am pretty pleased with my initial results.

I did stick to increasing my water intack and decreasing my soda drinking. I added drinking green tea daily and watched what I ate and practiced portion control.

I worked out perhaps 1 - 2 days per week, mainly strength training. While on Christmas break I worked out 5 days doing 40 minutes of strength training each day using > Personal Training with Jackie: Power Circuit Training.

Last week I did 2 days of Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred.

I've lost 4 lbs and 4 inches since 11/29/09.

I've been keeping these stats since 12/3/09 and here they are:


Body Mass Index: 25.1
Body Fat Percent: 28.4
Lean Body Mass: 98.2 lb


Height: 5'2"

Body Mass Index: 25.3
Body Fat Percent: 30.4
Lean Body Mass: 96.1 lb

I'm going to be trying CNI's Fast7 which is designed to jump start your weight loss. CORE 4 is designed to tackle the core area of the body, which is one of the most important areas to stimulate weight loss, restore energy and promote optimal health. The core area is my problem area, lol.

If you'd like more information on this system click here and watch this video.

The journey continues.............

Body Fat Estimator

If you don't have a body fat tester or a scale that can measure your body fat, here is formular to help you calculate your body fat:

weight x 1.082 = nude factor

nude factor + 94.42 = weight factor

waist measurement x 4.150 = waist factor

weight factor - waist factor = lean body mass

weight - lean body mass = body fat

body fat / weight x 100 = body fat %


Weight 138 lbs x 1.082 = 149.32

149.32 + 94.42 = 243.74

Waist 35" x 4.150 = 145.25

243.74 - 145.25 = 98.49

138 - 98.49 = 39.51

39.51 / 138 x 100 = 28.60%

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Week 1 Completed

Wow, I did it I stayed true to my goal.

I did 40 minutes of cardio for the week using the NowLoss Guy jumping jacks. You can read testimonials here.

I did 50 minutes of strength training using Jillian Michaels 30 day shred level 1 and Quick No More Trouble Zones. My thighs are killing me!!!!! If you have access to Exercise TV you can get both FREE.

I ate my 2 healthy meals per day, I did NOT skimp nor starve myself, and drank my protein shake. I drank at least 2 cups of green tea and 1/2 gallon of water per day. I'm in a water challenge and that challenge is to drink 1/2 to 1 gallon of water per day. I did go to a Christmas party last night and drank 1 cup of Coke but I did end the evening with a bottle of water. In fact I am sitting here drinking a bottle of water now.

My Enlyten strips arrived on Tuesday so since Wednesday I have also been using the Energy strip, Calorie Burner strip, Appetite Suppressant strip and the Electrolyte strip. One strip each per day.

My first week stats are:

Weight Loss: 3 lbs
Inch Loss: 2.5 inches

Now on to my Washington Redskins....Uggh, what happened to them??? Not another one! As a news report states, another week, another heart breaking loss. It WAS a heartbreaking loss for me.:( They played awesome, in my opinion, and Jason Campbell was on point along with Santana Moss and Devin Thomas, on fiyaah he was!!!! In my opinion, again, lol....they don't need Clinton Portis.

Aah a commercial is on playing a Jackson Five song, "I'll Be There"...RIP Michael. Gone but Not Forgotten.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

I'm Baaak

Wow, it's been a while. I sorta got busy with a new and wonderful job that I started at the end of August and could not find the time to get any workouts in along with not wanting to mess up my hairdo. LOL.

Part of my new job means I now have to obtain my teachers license, YEAH, so I have been busy researching colleges both online and offline that offers a Masters program that I need towards licensure, Special Ed, and for the price that fits my budget. I think I have narrowed it down. I also have to take a Pre-req class that I start in January. :( I am completely switching careers and I am totally happy.

Well with 3 weeks before the Christmas, err winter break, I have a fitness plan. I will do the jumping jacks from the Now Loss Guy at least 3 times per week, check him out on YouTube . You too can get a FREE DVD here. I will practice healthy eating habits and portion control as well as eating 2 meals per day with my 3rd meal being a meal replacement shake. I will cut out sodas, ugh these are the devil! I will drink at least 2 cups of green tea per day. I will use Electrolyte Strips, Calorie Burner Strips and Appetite Suppressant Strips from Enlyten. I have put on a few pounds since going back to work that I MUST get rid of and then some. LOL.

Well that's it for now.

Oh, and don't forget to get your FREE DVD and you too can look good naked. ;)

Friday, July 3, 2009

Welcome to my Journey to Fit and Fabulous by 50!

Welcome to my journey to Fit and Fabulous by 50. It is my goal to become physically fit and financially fit and fabulous by the age of 50.

I have always been very passionate about eating healthy, in fact I have not eaten a fast food burger in over 15 years, and taking care of myself, looking good, you know the hair on point, clothes, skin, makeup etc etc. LOL. I give myself facial scrubs and body scrubs regularly to rid my face and body of dead skin. I have not used soap on my face for as long as I can remember. I have done the Vaseline on my feet along with sleeping in socks to keep them soft and moist and I also use the Ped Egg, that was one great invention! I am the Queen of supplements, I have a drawer full in my bathroom from Vitamin E to CoQ10 to Omega 3. I get them from Pro Caps Labs, Andrew Lessman is a wealth of information and his supplements are excellent you really should take the time to go to his website. I have been taking many of his supplements now for over 10 years. One thing I need to incorporate into this journey is exercise for some reason I start then stop. Uggh!!!!

I have a lot of work to do but I know I will get there! Follow along as I get in the best shape of my life!

Be Blessed,